Thursday, November 19, 2009

Berkeley Budget Cut Strike 11/18/09








Even police officers were taking pictures!

The morning of the strike, I got a text from my friend Kate Maeder who works for Storefront Political Media and is also a news and politics junkie. She asked if I could take some pictures of the rally and send them to her. Some of these pictures and others that are on my flickr ( are now on the Fair Share for Fair Tuition Facebook page that Kate manages.

Most of the pictures were taken with my iphone because it was just more convenient for sending those pictures out as soon as possible.

On another note, I need to become a contributing member of a periodical or create my own, so I can have a press pass and, consequently, easy access to all the news scenes!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Abortion Protests at Berkeley

This morning. 9:55am. As I walked through Upper Sproul, I noticed what appeared to be warning signs stating "Genocide pictures ahead." Next, I saw an informational exhibit (for lack of a better word) that was about 10-feet tall. The topic: abortion and how it is a form of genocide. There weren't many people on Sproul just yet.

1:00pm. In front of the exhibit was a human chain chanting "My body. My choice!" to protest the exhibit.

All in true Berkeley form.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

North Hollywood Arts District

Whenever I take the Metro, I see advertisements about the NoHo Arts District. I decided to check it out.

Writers working on television scripts.

Check out the rest of my pictures at

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Rainy Pasadena 060309

I love going to Pasadena especially when I get to take the Metro rail. It's just so much fun looking at all the different cities going past the windows.

What made this photo trip even better was that it was raining! Armed with my camera and my Chrome bag (excellent for life at Berkeley because it's so weather proof), I headed for Pasadena. Thinking back, I initially did not really expect it to rain. I just realized along the way that it was a bit too overcast to be the marine layer.

Memorial Park Station

See more at

Friday, July 24, 2009

Long Beach June 6, 2009

A lot of the pictures I will post in upcoming entries are from earlier this summer.

This set is composed of various photos taken around Downtown Long Beach and Rainbow Harbor during one of my photo trips with Noel ( One picture (Bixby Knolls Car Wash) is from the Bixby Knolls section of Long Beach.

I used Noel's Panasonic point and shoot.

For more pictures check out my flickr page:

Mission Statement

This is my photo log for my journey as a photographer/photojournalist.

I will periodically post photos that I have taken. Some entries will include stories about the trip. Some will not.

One day, I will become a photojournalist whose photographs will grace the pages of periodicals across the globe. I will travel the world taking pictures to show people all over the planet what is going on beyond their front door. My mission is to inform the world, so that people will be able to make educated choices about various aspects of their lives. Finally, I want to share the beautiful things that I discover.

The journey starts here.