Friday, July 24, 2009

Long Beach June 6, 2009

A lot of the pictures I will post in upcoming entries are from earlier this summer.

This set is composed of various photos taken around Downtown Long Beach and Rainbow Harbor during one of my photo trips with Noel ( One picture (Bixby Knolls Car Wash) is from the Bixby Knolls section of Long Beach.

I used Noel's Panasonic point and shoot.

For more pictures check out my flickr page:

Mission Statement

This is my photo log for my journey as a photographer/photojournalist.

I will periodically post photos that I have taken. Some entries will include stories about the trip. Some will not.

One day, I will become a photojournalist whose photographs will grace the pages of periodicals across the globe. I will travel the world taking pictures to show people all over the planet what is going on beyond their front door. My mission is to inform the world, so that people will be able to make educated choices about various aspects of their lives. Finally, I want to share the beautiful things that I discover.

The journey starts here.